Thursday, June 18, 2009

Baby Showers and Last Getaway


On Saturday, May 30th, my mom, sister-in-law, aunt, and cousin all helped throw me a magnificent shower at Chateau Michelle's in Canton. It began at 10am and we were served a brunch of eggs, pastries, bacon, cheesy potatoes, fruit and drinks. It was amazing! The food was delicious. About 35 people came to the shower. It was so special to see everyone there who were excited and supportive of our new family. We had the traditional shower things like games, cake and presents. Steve and I are so blessed by our family and my old church family. It was an amazing day that I wish I could relive. Here are some pictures of that special day. I hope you enjoy!!!

I was having a great time from the start!!!!

Angela and Connie - just hangin' out.

Yet another table with a friend from elementary school who came with her niece.

One of the family tables at the shower.

My mom and Aunt Linda... I bet they're talking about breastfeeding. Aunt Linda was giving all of us new moms great advice. :)

It was so nice that Steve's mom was able to come down to join us. :)

Some ladies from Canton 1st chatting before the brunch began.

The overwhelmingly enormous table of gifts. It took me over an hour to open everything. We are truly blessed by family and friends.

Me and my most beautiful sister-in-law.

I was so glad that Meg and Adrian were here. It wouldn't have been the same without them.

The cake and example of the centerpieces. Vickie got books for the tables and tied balloons around them. What a great idea! Now we have our own library!

Here we are playing another game. Baby Price is Right.. I think it was called. Angela showed us items and we had to guess the prices. I think I was $30 off.. darn Jeep stroller. Aunt Vickie won she was within $1.12 I think... good goin' Vickie!

Showing off her winning tally sheet! :)

Angela even made me a diaper cake! Isn't it the cutest! She is so creative. I loved it!

Angela and Adrian came up with the fun games. Here is a picture of the baby bingo sheet.

A crazy sideways pic of me pregnant.

Opening a bathtub from Aunt Linda.

My sister-in-law, Angela, went WAY overboard. This girl got me so many things I can't even list them all. But here is a picture of the diaper bag I wanted and she got me. She was tricky and bought it from Target online when I registered for it at Babies 'R Us. That way I didn't think I was getting it.... tricky tricky! :)

A lovely crocheted blanket that a woman from church made us.

This is my 'throne' from which I sat and opened all the presents. It was nice because I could see everyone and they could see me.

Even my dad made an appearance at the shower. I'm glad he came. :)

My cousin Colleen and her little baby boy Isaac. He is so cute!

Me opening the penguin humidifier that Steve registered for and his mom bought us. It's too cute.

A lovely picture of me thanking everyone for coming to my shower. Gotta love the talking pics.

On Sunday, May 31st, Steve's family threw us a shower at his aunt's house. Since Steve was opening presents with me, I don't have many pictures. It was a very nice shower and good to see family again.

Steve's cousin Jay came too. Doesn't he look thrilled.

It has been a big deal to me spending 9 total years together just the two of us and now adding this other person - who I know we'll love and wonder how we lived without- but I wanted a last vacation just the two of us. So we spent 2 days at my parent's camp four-wheel riding, hiking, swimming, and just hanging out. It was a blast! The next pics are of that adventure. Then we went up to Put-In-Bay for a day. Those are after these.

A nice pic taken by me... just hangin' out by the fire.

It rained both nights but we finally got a fire going that we could sit by and roast marshmallows.

Ollie and his best bud.

Me and Ollie by the campfire.

Mom and Dad came down for part of a day and dad left his gun so Steve had fun trying to shoot anything that moved. He did get one bird - before it got this dark obviously.

Steve and his serious rider pose.

This is me showing the baby (someday that is) it's first 4-wheeler ride.

A close up of us on the ferry ride to Put-In-Bay. It was a speed boat and it STILL took an hour to get there with a one island stop in the middle.

The ferry ride to Put-In-Bay takes you right along the coast of Cedar Point. Boy I wish we could have gone there....

A view of a lighthouse we saw on the ferry ride over to Put-In-Bay.

"Just the two of us".... for now.

I wish I looked more pregnant and less 'plump' in this picture.

Here's a picture from inside a cave on one of the holes. It was really fun.

This is a beautiful view from our mini-golf course. It was a really nice course.

Here's my winner pose. I am the champion.

Here is Steve's loser pose. Ahh, poor guy.

Chillin' with the seal.

Steve being goofy on the seal again. He's got on his 'dead sexy' look. :)

Just goofing around on a seal at the park at Put-In-Bay. And yes it was tough to lay on my stomach that way... but a cute pic if I do say so myself. :)

This is a little bird who was either too young to fly or injured. It was cute so I got a picture of it.

Steve and I went to a winery on Put-In-Bay. We did not get the wine, however, we sampled the grape juice.

Some lovely pictures of me at 38 weeks. Yikes! I swear I don't look this huge when I look in the mirror. ;)

Just another view of the belly.